We offer a variety of data collection services including: streamflow measurements, streambed topographic surveying, water chemistry sampling, and aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling. For those clients with more sophisticated data and analysis requirements, we also provide water quality and quantity trends analysis, fate and transport modeling, characterization of surface-water groundwater interaction, stream habitat quality evaluation, environmental flow assessments, and hydrological simulation modeling.
Whether involved in stream restoration project planning, development of a watershed plan, assessment of the consumptive and non-consumptive needs driving management decisions, or water resource master planning efforts, we believe that it is in the interest of all involved parties to develop clear and concise project goals, identify desired outcomes, and embrace adaptive management approaches throughout project implementation. Lotic Hydrological guides clients through this process and provides water resource planning and program support services that recognize the importance of high quality data and information, multiparty stakeholder engagement, and reliance on best-available science.
Questions about water use, water availability, risk analysis, and hydraulic processes require application of water resources engineering approaches. We employ state of the art methodologies and software tools to provide clients with a range of engineering services including: floodplain analysis, open-channel hydraulic modelling, water rights allocation and accounting model development, scour analysis, and surface water/groundwater availability assessments.
Communicating complex patterns that often arise in environmental data due to changing conditions across time and space requires a creative and focused approach to data display. Lotic Hydrological takes great pride in the design and publication of interactive and static informational displays, visualizations and maps to unambiguously convey complicated spatial and temporal information to a variety of audiences.
Lotic understands that data collection is not a means unto itself and that data cannot support water resource decision making unless it is timely, relevant, and analyzed in such a way to transform it into actionable information. Avoiding the "data-rich but information-poor" scenario requires careful planning and data life cycle management. Our team develops comprehensive sampling and analysis plans, coordinates and implements collection of raw data, conducts high-quality data analysis, and ensures data is appropriately attributed and published for long-term preservation and use by our clients, regulatory agencies, or the public at-large.
New data acquisition technologies allow for the collection of environmental data at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. Our firm designs and installs automated hydrological and meteorological data collection platforms and associated telemetry networks to support real-time data collection and management from remote locations via radio, cellular or satellite. We work extensively with Campbell Scientific data acquisition products. We also specialize in development of workflows and software tools to collate, archive and/or publish data collected from remote platforms.
Data is only useful if it can be used to generate the types of information necessary to inform resource management and policy decisions or individual behaviors. The spatial nature of environmental data makes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ideal tools for achieving this goal. We provide GIS-based vector analysis, terrain/watershed analysis, and geospatial statistical analysis.
Efficient and equitable water resources management is complex and, often, involves numerous stakeholders with diverse backgrounds or competing value systems. We understand the multifaceted nature of natural resource management and the fundamental importance of effective stakeholder engagement to ensuring positive project outcomes. Our staff is practiced in stakeholder outreach, consensus building, and program coordination. We approach projects with the big-picture in mind and a focus on ensuring that they enjoy a wide base of public and stakeholder support.